Adam Stack
Adam Stack
@srpomeroy Great work!
@srpomeroy and @alexkubecost Is the above PR still needed and if so is it ready to be reviewed and merged?
@kamilkrampa Great work. Thanks for your contribution
@zamazan4ik, Have this marketed P1, which means we should get the docs updated in the next few weeks. @bstuder99, If you have enough context here would be great if you...
@Sean-Holcomb Could you confirm we have not implemented this yet ?@srpomeroy, if we have not, there is no current plans to add this. However, if you feel strongly about it...
@avrodrigues5 Would you be game to take this issue?
@dwbrown2 is jumping on this item. For clarity we should update all references to Kubecost **EXCEPT** items that would cause the application to not work? Example: kubecost_cluster_management_cost For clarity should...
@michaelmdresser, I believe you have experience with our API, wondering if could you look into this issue today? @carlos4ndre, Apologies for the delay.
@michaelmdresser, I know you have lots on your plate right now with the release, so just a friendly nudge. Could you follow up here or hand it off to @nealormsbee?
@teevans @wolfeaustin Based on Ajay's last note wanted to get this on your radar for advanced reports.