the same problem to me
> 首先命令行运行pip install torchfile安装torchfile, > > from torch.utils.serialization import load_lua --》import torchfile, 您好,我按照您说的,pip install torchfile,然后将from torch.utils.serialization import load_lua替换为import torchfile,然后将代码中load_lua改为torchfile.load,最后还是遇到了错误,TypeError:‘NoneType’ object is not callable,请问您是没有遇到么,怎么解决的啊
抱歉,又打搅您了 您有尝试过论文中BN合并到conv层么,经过合并以后模型大小可以从4m降为0.99m么
> Yes, not shared, but it would be easy to modify to the shared version This is my modified version, I'm not sure if it's correct class MemoryBlock(nn.Module): """Note: num_memblock...
> It's really kind of you ! The code you shared is really helpful! > I find there are some codes need to change in sub_mean function for Y channel,...