About RSS

Results 9 comments of About RSS

谢谢咨询。我没见过如您所述功能的公共服务。个人觉得就个别源轮询列表里的 RSSHUB 实例问题不大。 Issue 会自动同步到 TG 群,我看看大家有没有什么反馈。 tosimplicity ***@***.***> 于2022年9月5日周一 11:40写道: > 有几个源经常block服务器, 其中有一部分只是暂时性的block > 我想在个人服务器上弄个服务脚本, 不成功的话, 搜索ALL-about-RSS的列表, 逐个尝试可用的服务. > > 请问, 是不是有公共服务已经实现这个功能了? > 如果没有的话, 用ALL-about-RSS的列表来支撑这个功能, 合适么? > > —...

Thanks for the information !


Sorry. Could you describe your issue in a more specific way. For example, what codes ? Is it relevant to current issue ? If not, do you mind submit a...

Thanks for letting me know. The badge can not tell 404. lol.

Oops. You're right. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll modify that item in a clearer way in next commit. Really appreciate your help.

> Oops. You're right. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll modify that item in a clearer way in next commit. Really appreciate your help. Hi. I've done that by submitting [this...

[Have modified it](https://github.com/AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS/commit/5d0b7d7b20b9f81c8de0b559ec667169d75853cc#diff-b335630551682c19a781afebcf4d07bf978fb1f8ac04c6bf87428ed5106870f5L695). Thanks again.

Absolutely, developers are welcome to submit their own projects to this repo, as long as they are relevant to RSS. Thanks for your submission but could you move it to...