I don't think so because, Lambda@Edge uses Node.js by default (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-edge.html). but, if AWS can allow Deno to run on Lambda@Edge or CloudFront Functions, it's might be possible.
As you know containers takes a time to become up & running with out taking a count on network letancies & regional behavior of Lambda. Also node.js has it's own...
Yes, GraphQL Yoga Works on Fastly Compute@Edge, but the Introspection & Query Explorer Part of GraphQL Yoga GraphiQL don't Work. Just See in here: https://gql-yoga.edgecompute.app https://github.com/Abiti-936/graphql-yoga-compute-edge
Also there's solid.js that you should take a look at. https://www.solidjs.com/
I think you should take a look at alephjs implementation of solidjs Loader, as there's a compilation step in Lume, we can support solidjs. Just take a look at [here](https://github.com/alephjs/aleph.js/blob/main/loaders/solid.ts).