Yicong Li
Yicong Li
I just deleted `iter
You need to input the data_path(train data path), directory(the result directory, default None), D and W(if you don't input them, it will raise error.)
You can download nytimes and pubmed dataset in the lightlda project. There are scripts to download them.
Thank you very much. I will check the problem according to your comments.
Have you dealt with this NameError problem? > NameError: name 'U_feature_dir2' is not defined After I run @ahxt 's recommend command, I still have this problem.
Ubuntu 16.04 I also meet such problem. `ldconfig` and `Add Path` didn't work for me.
Thank you. I downloaded the package but didn't work for me. After I install a few packages `apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libevent-pthreads-2.0.5` It works.