Abhishek Doshi
Abhishek Doshi
### Summary So one of the main reasons for increased app size is assets. While developing, we constantly keep on adding some images or fonts that our client wants and...
So, the package's Android code contains key prefix which is completely static. This increases the chances of key decryption very high. Also, if you are just storing it in shared_preference,...
## Steps to Reproduce 1. Add a `BottomNavigationBar` in your `Scaffold` 2. Change the default theme in MaterialApp to the following: ``` theme: ThemeData.dark().copyWith( bottomNavigationBarTheme: BottomNavigationBarTheme.of(context).copyWith( unselectedItemColor: Colors.white, selectedItemColor: Colors.white,...
### The use case you're trying to solve I have 2 flavors and different headers for each flavor. So I have created 2 separate `firebase.json` files. My first approach was...
This issue is reproducible with latest flutter version (3.13.5). When we try to capture a screenshot using captureFromLongWidget, it is throwing error. Also, the current way of capturing long widget...
We all know that using `Platform.isAndroid` and `Platform.isIOS` crashes on web because these constants lie inside `dart:io` which is not supported for web and many times no one really checks...
## Summary of Issue: Recently encountered an issue which depicts that flutter's imports are not case sensitive. So for Flutter Engine: `import 'package:test_project/screens/home.dart';` and `'package:test_project/Screens/home.dart';` are same which is totally...
## Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a sample app with a single video and add setLooping(true). 2. Let the video play till end and restart 3. Check the duration in...