Abhishek Desai

Results 8 comments of Abhishek Desai

@bboure yes, here it my **request-mapping-template** for mutation **testing** ``` $util.qr($ctx.stash.put("var1", ${myVar})) $util.qr($ctx.stash.put("var2", "var replaced")) { "version": "2018-05-29", "payload": $util.toJson($myVar) } ``` this is the **response-mapping-template** for the same ```...

@bboure, this is the log details for the same ``` { "logType": "RequestMapping", "path": [ "testing" ], "fieldName": "testing", "resolverArn": "arn:aws:appsync:us-west-2::apis/7vhyizb7j5hczc6wagraxzfowm/types/Mutation/resolvers/testing", "requestId": "ccf4a5da-755c-44f9-a0e8-c46c6c372b27", "context": { "arguments": {}, "stash": { "var2":...

> Lex V1 supported a single response card as part of the return structure from a Lambda. LexWebUi was originally implemented supporting this single response card. Lex V2 changed the...

> I've implemented a feature change that allows multiple ImageResopnseCards in Lex V2 to be handled in LexWebUi. The change was moderately complex. Lambda's that return multiple ImageResponseCards will now...

HI @russell-oit, yes this is the issue. If we put bot in the subdirectory, it will not work. www -----HTML - ROOT -----index.html -------------------bot-src -------------------bot-files ( cofig, loader, css, etc)...

@bobpskier hey please help, if you want I can show you my internal s3 bucket structure as well. I am hosting it as s3 bucket static website. I am able...

@bobpskier thank you, I can definitely try this.

> Is there a requirement to return two response cards? Lex has a restriction on the number of buttons in a single response card. However, Lex Web Ui supports higher...