same problem...
@FuriKuri @buekera I found a solution. This bugged me for at least a week. Hope this helps you guys out :) in your pod file, under your post install add...
Experiencing same issue on Android!
@Hao-yiwen did you figure it out? really interested in this one. Maybe it has something to do with ProGuard config?
> When i click to 1 notification (app runs in the background) addNotificationResponseReceivedListener and addNotificationReceivedListener not listening.  Did you figure it out your android problem? If not, I could...
> > > When i click to 1 notification (app runs in the background) addNotificationResponseReceivedListener and addNotificationReceivedListener not listening.  > > > > > > Did you figure it...
if (isAvailable) { await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync(); await Updates.reloadAsync(); mixpanel.track('UpdateApp: fetchUpdateAsync and reloadAsync executed'); } Are there any errors thrown in the fetchUpdateAsync() and if yes, what kind of? Also try to...