I would like to work on this please.
I would like to work on this.
hi @hmhealey, there are some functions that are being used e.g. **announceLabel()** from the extended class. suggestion_list.d.ts does not have these methods so typescript is giving errors in that case,...
conflicts have been resolved
And also, should this behaviour be true for the link adressess of gifs's previews
yeah, but few more changes i would like to make, i'll let u know. is that fine?
Hi @esethna it's ready for re-review
Hi @esethna, @AshishDhama, the setting is working fine for everything except the (Inline Markdown GIF images). But that too is working as expected on my local but not on the...
The still image that i am generating seems to be blocked by the CORS policy that's why the image link previews and inline markdown images are not pausing even when...
@esethna, yes please, if someone worked on something like this. Some help would be great Thankyou