I am facing this same issue with doc2vec. My code run fine on Google Cloab, but getting an error while running locally on my own system. ` AttributeError: 'NumpyArrayWrapper' object...
@nishita512 create a separate project in your laptop and there simply clone this whole repo and then run this .py
@mrfast7 I think this repo will help https://github.com/ManivannanMurugavel/spacy-ner-annotator
@saahilgupta93 I am using your two line code to save my NER Spacy model it's throwing this error `Namerror: name 'nlp' is not defined` Here is my code. https://pastebin.com/ySVTSLMG
> > The code is not compatible with the latest version of spacy > > I was able to run it using Spacy version ==2.0.12 > > What is your...
@Huzmorgoth paste this code `# trim some entity def trim_entity_spans(data: list) -> list: invalid_span_tokens = re.compile(r'\s') cleaned_data = [] for text, annotations in data: entities = annotations['entities'] valid_entities = []...
[Edit] Which spacy version you are using? I'm able to resolve this issue.
I'm sorry. I was asking for Spacy version.
Use Spacy version 2.1.4 I was able to get results with this library. Let me know if this works for you.