I found this this issue when i was working with dropdown in react , when i open the dropdown and select any option and move cursor any where down ,...
const tool = { image: { class: Image, shortcut: 'CMD+I', config: { uploader: { async uploadByFile(file) { // console.log(file); const fileData = await FiletoBase64(file); // console.log(fileData); const res = await...
Previously it was not Recognising the instagram post and reel urls . Modification in regex of instagram , now it will render post and reel both without any issue,
Reddit post embed feature added
- When user clicks on login button , it does not show any meaningful message simply turns gray . It ruins user experience. https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e97e2838-4bca-4e94-8fd8-38ffa2b9384b
PLEASE OPEN A NEW DISCUSSION. [Discussions > New > Ideas](https://github.com/remoteintech/remote-jobs/discussions/new?category=ideas) A floating button at the bottom-right, with JavaScript toggling its visibility based on scroll, and smooth scrolling for seamless navigation...