I am also running into this same issue. I am using neo version 0.13.1 with spike interface. The size of my file is 2.04 gigabytes. I have previously read a...
I do not know if I am allowed to share the data publicly. I am using windows 11, python 3.11.9, spikeinterface version 0.100.7, and numpy version 1.26.4. I opened the...
I am still running into the same issue. This is the error I got. ``` Parsing data blocks: 98%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▍ | 2146695568/2197169064 [02:22
I can give you an answer by tomorrow. I emailed my professor a couple hours ago and have not heard back yet.
My professor has said he is fine with sharing the files. How would you like me to send them? Both github and email have file size limits.
I have sent a sharepoint link through email that contains the files. It should be titled: Plexon files for analysis
For me, the files "vrm2905s13u3875f1", "vrt2905s12u3560f2", and "vrt2905s13u3875f2" do not work on my end. For me, "vrm2905s12u3560f1" was the only one that worked.
Yes, I am using windows 11, python 3.11.9, and numpy version 1.26.4.
It works. Thank you for your help.