Abhi Kulshrestha
Abhi Kulshrestha
user input!
## Prerequisites - [x] I am running the latest version - [x] I checked to make sure that this issue has not already been filed ## Expected Behaviour Setup and...
Installing react-navigation-stack library as all navigators have been moved to separate repos, and updating package.json file. Fixes #126
1) Upgraded buildToolsversion to minimum require for running 2) Added arm64-v8a, as to run the project on android emulator(Apple Macbook Pro M1 chip) 3) Updated classpath to higher version 4)...
In react-navigation version 4, all the navigators has moved to another repos and are needed to be installed separately, and must be included in package.json file.
Library version updates needed for meeting minimum requirement to build
After installing the app on read Device, it shows a message "This app was build for an older version of Android and may not work properly. Try checking for updates,...