Abhay Srivastav
Abhay Srivastav
I'm using ytdl.getInfo method with proxy option ``` const options = ['--proxy', ''] video = await ytdl.getInfo(videoUrl,options); console.log(video.formats); ``` The above code logs []. I'm trying to solve video unavailable...
Added a poetry generation demo, based on a model trained on Poet Faiz Ahmad works. Demo Link - [https://abhay07.github.io/word-prediction-frontend/](https://abhay07.github.io/word-prediction-frontend/) --- This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/tensorflow/tfjs/3657)
Can someone please take a look at this issue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50057587/cant-find-the-default-port-of-grunt-express-server