Results 16 comments of Aaron Lasseigne

This seems like a good idea. Do you still want to take a shot at making a PR?

I've been looking at this at it might actually be tricky to do. There are some changes I'm wanting to make under the hood that will make this easier. Let's...

I'm wondering about how this should work for hashes. Should it only be the first level of inputs or should it dive deep into hashes and check those too?

Sure, we'll start with just the top level of inputs and see what people think.

I'm considering solutions for this. See #535.

Right now I believe you are correct. We have no way to handle that structure while using types. No one has requested it before so it's certainly not something we're...

I'm considering solutions for this. See #535.

Stripping away whitespace from a string is a convenience because you'll almost always want to do it. Especially with user input. That's why we do it by default. Why not...

The `to_model` method is called by the various form functions in Rails. You shouldn't have to pass it manually. Are you seeing an error when you just pass ``?

I agree with what @ngan said here. As for `ActionController::Parameters`, we already accept that as the input to an interaction but we don't currently check for whether `permitted?` has been...