
Results 4 issues of AaboutL

Hi Marek, Thanks for your excellent work. I notice that you add a confidence layer in the FaceAlignment script, but it seems that there isn't a confidence layer in the...

您好, 您在Performance中给出的表格,指的是像素的平均误差吗?还是Normalised Mean Error?

你好, 我用你的mobilenet版本来从头训练DAN,使用工程提供的脚本生成的数据集,只训练stage1,训了两天,loss已经不在下降,但是测试效果很差。对于mobilenet的训练,您有没有什么训练经验可以分享一下吗?之前用mobilenet从头训练其他的任务,效果也不好。 谢谢!

I set my CMakeLists.txt like below: Using ``` message("slam3d: " ${G2O_TYPES_SLAM3D}) ``` I can get ``` slam3d: /home/**/3rdparty/g2o/lib/libg2o_types_slam3d.so ``` But when execute my sample code, I get the output like...