### still draft Q: Do you record partition columns in the index? - No, it needn't create the index, but when querying, it will record the partition column. Q: This...
@sadikovi Thanks for your reply! Recently I was very busy and sorry for the uncompleted comments. - Yes, I agree with you, we do need to keep track of columns...
Hi @sadikovi After reading the code of bucketing, I found that I want to do is the same with bucketing(we can use the code "FileSourceStrategy#getExpressionBuckets" directly). And in my opinion...
Parquet now has its own page index(base on statistics, a little weak, I think), maybe we can do something based on it.
Let's open a new issue to follow this 😄. I am very willing to be involved.
@cjuexuan 你好呀, 我公司是 kyligence, 是 Apache kylin 背后的商业公司, 我们也在浦软(上海市浦东新区亮秀路112号Y1座405), 18698518695 这是我微信, 方便加个好友嘛, 还能串串门讨论讨论学习交流一下.
@wwbmmm 多谢 review, ut 一直想加的, 没有想到合适的测法, 请问你这边有啥建议吗
@chenzhangyi 是的 has_continuation, 但是可能要考虑同一个 stream 上并发消息的切分, 可能会有乱序, 这个场景需要考虑吗 这个字段很早就有了 改两行就 ok 了 但是一直没实现 是有啥顾虑吗
https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/pull/1947/files @chenzhangyi 帮忙看看
@jasonross 我也遇到这个问题了 建议重开issue12 而不是一句看read me