+1 OpenMB
I did say "+1 OpenMB" but the more I think about it the more I dislike the idea. Open + two capitalised letters is very much a Khronos thing and...
I know this issue is specifically mentioning LV2 but the same issue affects VST. u-he plugins provide interface options to resize their GUIs which work perfectly. I have two DAWs...
I had issues building development due to boost library issues. I will take a look at the PKGBUILD on the AUR and see if I can modify it to build...
OK I edited the PKGBUILD replacing the commit it was building from with 728fb4259cfa663d594ba494b229e8dc86f925b9 which is the last commit is see in the development branch. The package built fine this...
So I changed PKGBUILD again to build development tree from head as I wasn't sure I was building the right thing previously. Cleared all data and began sync. Still seg...