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Replication of the Principal Odor Map paper by Brian K. Lee et al. (2023).
2 problems, thank U! 1, Training problem Training the model with ensemble_benchmark.ipynb using curated_GS_LF_merged_4983.csv as train dataset modify the line 'train_dataset, test_dataset = splitter.train_test_split(dataset, frac_train=0.8, train_dir='./splits/train_data', test_dir='./splits/test_data')' let frac_train=0.9 (instead...
Below is the model loading code, for the code “class_imbalance_ratio = train_ratios,“ My test indicates that loading the model requires specifying the train_ratios. I only need inference without a test...
Hello author, I am currently reproducing your project, but I am not sure where the starting file is or which command code should be entered in the terminal to run....
Extended the training script with the addition of an explainability method (Integrated Gradients).
Hello, Is the saved "" file in the examples folder a version of the model that has the highest performance? i.e. is that model the model that acheived the 0.8872...