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Parameters of Model Loading before Inference
Below is the model loading code, for the code “class_imbalance_ratio = train_ratios,“ My test indicates that loading the model requires specifying the train_ratios. I only need inference without a test csv file, so I specify 138 values fo train_ratios, like [0.1,0.2,...] I've tested it several times, and different 138 values of train_ratios seem to be independent of the inference results. Is this correct? if I only need to do inference, which part of parameters can I modify for a specific model weight file (such as THANK U!
model = MPNNPOMModel(n_tasks=n_tasks, batch_size=128, learning_rate=learning_rate, class_imbalance_ratio = train_ratios, loss_aggr_type = 'sum', node_out_feats = 100, edge_hidden_feats = 75, edge_out_feats = 100, num_step_message_passing = 5, mpnn_residual = True, message_aggregator_type = 'sum', mode = 'classification', number_atom_features = GraphConvConstants.ATOM_FDIM, number_bond_features = GraphConvConstants.BOND_FDIM, n_classes = 1, readout_type = 'set2set', num_step_set2set = 3, num_layer_set2set = 2, ffn_hidden_list= [392, 392], ffn_embeddings = 256, ffn_activation = 'relu', ffn_dropout_p = 0.12, ffn_dropout_at_input_no_act = False, weight_decay = 1e-5, self_loop = False, optimizer_name = 'adam', log_frequency = 32, #model_dir = f'./', device_name='cuda')