I will be very grateful to you.
Or you can try adding the Real Esrgan + LDL model to the repository of this implementation, there is a code for converting to NCNN. Thank you.
Try to convert this model to NCNN and add. program. Link to google drive with the model. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12-EJmXqjoFCe_gFn9db8eLxBAo37tc8F/view?usp=drivesdk
Hello. Could implement Real Esrgan + ldl in Google Colab. Thank you, I will be very grateful to you.
Hello tumuyan. Could you add realesr-general-x4v3.pth model, it should be fully compatible. When is the new update coming out? Thank you, very much looking forward to your reply!
> Hi, the other day I tried experimenting with models and training The generated music may have poor quality if the segment length is too short, as it may not...
> Thank you very much for your explanation! Regarding your answer to our last question, if we try another inference step, how to define the `infer_schedule` accordingly? More specifically, for...
Yes the same problem, it is impossible to use the demo!
The correct way to generate outputs of different lengths with the MusicLM model is to modify the max_length parameter in the generate function. This parameter controls the maximum length of...