
Results 10 comments of RossBots

How is this package installed on a Nano? I note that it appears to be required to compile jetson-ross and deep-learning. What Dependancies must be installed? There is no "setup"...

OK tnx: Here goes on my UB22.04/arm64 VM on a MAC M1 with ROS 2 humble & gz_sim harmonic installed. Here's a copy of the relevant transcription of the colcon...

OK here is that trial: ubuntutbc@macvm-ub22h-bv:~/rosgz_ws$ colcon build --parallel-workers=1 --executor sequential Starting >>> ros_gz_interfaces Finished > ros_gz_sim Finished > ros_gz_bridge --- stderr: ros_gz_bridge c++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program...

Here is htop display during the compile - Yes it appears memory capacity is a problem. There are 4 cores and all are 85 -100% ![image]( Since my Ubuntu system...

I allocated 6 GB Memory/ 3 of 4 Cores -STill maxes out the memory & Cores & crashes. Any tricks to calm the compiler?

azeey Success compiling ros_gz from Source : Summary: 12 packages finished [37 secs] with the allocating 4 Cores CPU /8 GB Memory and export MAKEFLAGS="-j 1". **Thank you**. I ran...

Implementing your indicated change and following ,**Visualize in RViz,** the RViz & Gz Windows open displaying the vehicle. After enabling Key Publisher in the 2 GUI examples, the vehicle...

After installing dynamixel-workbench packages on my Unbuntu 22.04/ROS 2 Humble, a set of dynamixel packages could be listed that are located in the ros2 /opt/ros/humble/share folder. However, I too discoverd...

Yes, I concur, but we do not want nor need Classic on our machines. I thought the whole point of the migration activity was to deploy the actively supported Gazebo...

Thanks, but I confirmed that I believe my a colcon build was against the "new_gazebo" branch, see the log following. Did forget something before doing the build? ubuntutbc@macvm-ub22h-bv:~/turtlebot3_ws/src$ ls turtlebot3_simulations...