Results 7 issues of AR1ES

I tried to configure obfuscar on a desktop .net core 3.0 DLL , but I get an error: ```Loading assemblies...Extra framework folders: Done. Hiding strings... Renaming: fields...Parameters...Properties...Events...Methods...Types...Done. Saving assemblies... Unhandled...

up for grab
area:.NET Core

We have our program, packaged into msix. But some users are still on Windows 7. We made a built-in auto-update mechanism that simply launches msix when the new version comes...

Area-MSIX Core

I have complex model with many references. When I use `TablesInScopeHint(SqlServerHints.Table.NoLock)` it only adds a hint for explicitly specified tables in the query but ignores references. Classes: ``` public class...

type: bug
status: has-tests

Hello! I get "Authentication error" when I using office 365 mail server. I test MimeKit and found that I need to remove `XOAUTH2` before authentication ```smtpClient.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove("XOAUTH2");```

### Describe your issue If the collation of the server and the specific database of the SQL Server differs, then when using temporary tables, the error "Cannot resolve the collation...

type: feature
epic: DDL

### Describe your issue For each query with a collection of values, an IN expression with inline parameters is generated. In EF Core 8, OpenJson was used to optimize performance([](

type: feature

I have a class with its own table. And also a class inherited from it, which is stored entirely in a separate table. In the EF in EntityTypeBuilder it is...

type: bug
area: mapping
status: has-tests
area: efcore