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ceres fails to run well with imu data
I try to use my data with HDL32E and SBG Ellipse-A (6 axis). The only thing i change is data import and scan undistortion.
Everything is good before TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel ,include EstimateRotation() and undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose.I got a nice map but not sharp enough.
And i got 500 surfels,but when i added addGyroscopeMeasurementst() or addAccelerometerMeasurement() into ceres by TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel(),the map would mess up(laser pose was totally calculate by Bspline, addSurfMeasurement is ok). And ceres log like following.
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
Is it any problem with my imu data? and how can i solve it?
even i got a point cloud map with
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
in first associating , the problem still
even i got a point cloud map with
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
in first associating , the problem still
I always have a mistake at this step:DataAssociation fails. plane type: 0 0 0;plane number 0.Do you know how to solve this problem?
I try to use my data with HDL32E and SBG Ellipse-A (6 axis). The only thing i change is data import and scan undistortion.
Everything is good before TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel ,include EstimateRotation() and undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose.I got a nice map but not sharp enough.
And i got 500 surfels,but when i added addGyroscopeMeasurementst() or addAccelerometerMeasurement() into ceres by TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel(),the map would mess up(laser pose was totally calculate by Bspline, addSurfMeasurement is ok). And ceres log like following.
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
Is it any problem with my imu data? and how can i solve it?
I always have a mistake at this step:DataAssociation fails. plane type: 0 0 0;plane number 0.Do you know how to solve this problem?
我尝试将我的数据与HDL32E和SBG椭圆A(6轴)一起使用。我唯一改变的是数据导入和扫描取消失真。 在 TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel 之前,一切都很好,包括 EstimateRotation() 和 undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose。我得到了一张漂亮的地图,但不够清晰。
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
我的 imu 数据有问题吗?我该如何解决它?
我在此步骤中总是有一个错误:数据关联失败。平面类型:0 0 0;平面编号 0.Do 你知道怎么解决这个问题吗?
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
我尝试将我的数据与HDL32E和SBG椭圆A(6轴)一起使用。我唯一改变的是数据导入和扫描取消失真。 在 TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel 之前,一切都很好,包括 EstimateRotation() 和 undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose。我得到了一张漂亮的地图,但不够清晰。
我的 imu 数据有问题吗?我该如何解决它?
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
我在此步骤中总是有一个错误:数据关联失败。平面类型:0 0 0;平面编号 0.Do 你知道怎么解决这个问题吗?
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
我尝试将我的数据与HDL32E和SBG椭圆A(6轴)一起使用。我唯一改变的是数据导入和扫描取消失真。 在 TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel 之前,一切都很好,包括 EstimateRotation() 和 undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose。我得到了一张漂亮的地图,但不够清晰。
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
我的 imu 数据有问题吗?我该如何解决它?
我在此步骤中总是有一个错误:数据关联失败。平面类型:0 0 0;平面编号 0.Do 你知道怎么解决这个问题吗?
在 TrajectoryManager::trajInitFromSurfel 之前,一切都很好,包括 EstimateRotation() 和 undistortScanInMap with NDT odom pose。我得到了一张漂亮的地图,但不够清晰。
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR W20201017 20:57:45.519047 11140] Linear solver failure. Failed to compute a step: CHOLMOD warning: Matrix not positive definite.
我的 imu 数据有问题吗?我该如何解决它?
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
Plane type :961 335 198; Plane number: 1494
我在此步骤中总是有一个错误:数据关联失败。平面类型:0 0 0;平面编号 0.Do 你知道怎么解决这个问题吗?