Danilo Aimini
Danilo Aimini
**Describe the bug** When leaving Component Mode, Focus Mode Visualization is enabled even when it shouldn't. **Steps to reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Start the Editor with the...
Signed-off-by: Danilo Aimini ## What does this PR do? Disables the ability to drop assets into the Entity Inspector when a read-only entity is part of the selection. This prevents...
**Describe the bug** On a debug build of the Editor, clearing the search filter in the Asset Browser causes an assert (and a subsequent crash). **Steps to reproduce** Steps to...
**Describe the bug** When dragging and dropping a `.scriptcanvas` file into the Entity Inspector, the Editor used to create a ScriptCanvas component for you and assign the `.scriptcanvas` file to...
**Describe the bug** When choosing "Reset Default Layout" from the Viewport menu, the Prefab Focus Breadcrumb is re-initialized with no path. **Steps to reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1....
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** After discussing this PR: https://github.com/o3de/o3de/pull/11570 I am growing increasingly concerned with the interaction between ImGui and Viewport UI in the...
**Describe the bug** When editing a Spline component, I would expect it to be possible to add additional nodes but I can't seem to find a way to. **Steps to...
Did a rough pass to gauge the amount of code would be removed from the codebase by disabling the ability to open slice levels in the O3DE Editor. Note that...
## Describe the issue briefly When looking for O3DE samples, this is one of the top pages our users will land on https://docs.o3de.org/docs/learning-guide/samples/ We should add more samples that first...
## What does this PR do? Introduces the necessary functions to retrieve the position of context menus and/or mouse cursor when interacting with the Editor through Action Manager menus/hotkeys. ##...