Danilo Aimini
Danilo Aimini
Can't seem to pass AR with this. Getting a python test failures that looks unrelated: ``` [2024-04-23T15:20:56.716Z] [editor_test.log] Engine initialized, took 2.21s. [2024-04-23T15:20:56.716Z] [editor_test.log] [CONSOLE] Executing console command 'exec editor_autoexec.cfg'...
That is the intended behavior of the component. I am personally of the same opinion as you (non-uniform scale should also affect children) but I think there were technical reasons...
> We haven't been holding triage meetings for a while, we could schedule a meeting to discuss this topic, or start a thread in #sig-content Maybe a thread could be...
Failed AR... ``` [2024-04-09T16:08:59.399Z] [1388/2565] Building CXX object Code/Editor/CMakeFiles/EditorLib.dir/profile/CryEditDoc.cpp.o [2024-04-09T16:08:59.399Z] FAILED: Code/Editor/CMakeFiles/EditorLib.dir/profile/CryEditDoc.cpp.o [2024-04-09T16:08:59.399Z] /usr/bin/clang++-12 -DAZ_BUILD_CONFIGURATION_TYPE=\"profile\" -DAZ_ENABLE_DEBUG_TOOLS -DAZ_ENABLE_TRACING -DAZ_PROFILE_BUILD -DDEFAULT_LY_PYTHONHOME=\"/home/lybuilder/.o3de/Python/packages/python-3.10.13-rev2-linux/python\" -DEDITOR -DEDITOR_COMMON_IMPORTS -DEditorLib_EXPORTS -DGRAPH_CANVAS_ENABLE_DETAILED_PROFILING=0 -DIMGUI_API_IMPORT -DIMGUI_ENABLED -DIMGUI_INCLUDE_IMGUI_USER_H -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DNDEBUG -DPAL_TRAIT_LINUX_WINDOW_MANAGER_XCB...
Any chance you could verify if this change fixes this issue for you? https://github.com/o3de/o3de/pull/17641
> > Any chance you could verify if this change fixes this issue for you? #17641 > > Internally, we use a highly modified version of 2310.2. Some of our...
Hum I'm having trouble with the patch generation, I'll look into it asap. After looking into it more, though, I'm not convinced that would fix this issue. I will try...
Got a repro, I feel like this is an issue with the functionality itself. Will look into it.
Note that this is a much more general issue that is not limited to the SimpleState component, but to all components with a list/vector.
Started AR, but awaiting response from @o3de/sig-build before reviewing.