Results 10 comments of _AMD_

bonus :) Incorrect `[Warn type:20], self assign error`


This could break some Functional Programming code. Maybe would be better to use separate function? ```lua function table.AddMultiple(dest, ...) for _,t in ipairs({...}) do table.Add(dest, t) end return dest end...

@dza89 > I can send you my config Yes, please write the config here or send it to me on Telegram (link in profile). I've been struggling for several hours...

Too bad it never got merged.

What operating system is installed on the server and which exact .dll are you using? (There are 3 of them with different suffixes: linux, osx, win32)

+1 Also, I noticed that if you try to delete a starred event, the confirmation window cannot be closed without agreeing. You have to refresh the page.

> @AMD-NICK why did you downvote the +1 above your post then +1 yourself? > > Also why are people downvoting +1s (upvotes) in general. Seems odd. idk, I think...