Results 4 issues of AMBIENTE1

my Podfile: source '' platform :ios, '10.0' use_frameworks! pod 'BluetoothKit', '~> 0.4.0' Installing BluetoothKit (0.4.0) [!] Unable to determine Swift version for the following pods: - `BluetoothKit` does not specify...

Hi Wvega, thank you for your script, It's very useful! My question... Is some way change text hours in dropdown menu like: $("a.ui-corner-all:contains('10:00')").text("10 - 11 hours"); $("a.ui-corner-all:contains('11:00')").text("11 - 12 hours");...

Hi, thank you for your project. Its very nice. Iam trying to change many hours format value to locale "cs_CZ" with currency. Example number 123456.10 to 123 456,10 Kč. Iam...

Hi there, please, If I have data in struct like this: ``` var ucetPlatby = [struct_ucetPlatby]() struct struct_ucetPlatby: Codable { let id: Int let trasaid: Int let cena: Decimal }...