
Results 6 issues of AL-bruce

Why isn't there a way to just delete memory

1、ModernAVPlayerRemoteCommandFactoryV04playE0AA0bcdE0VyFSo08MPRemoteE13HandlerStatusVSo0hE5EventCcfU0_ 2、ModernAVPlayerRemoteCommandFactoryV015togglePlayPauseE0AA0bcdE0VyFSo08MPRemoteE13HandlerStatusVSo0jE5EventCcfU0_

**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** **What is the current behavior?** **What is the expected behavior?** **If the current behavior is a bug, please provide...

这种通用的弹窗有弹窗背景色 字体颜色大小 行高和分割线相关的设置吗


XPopup 中设置了 isTouchThrough(true) ,触摸平移一个 imageview ,当 popview dismiss 以后,当前自定义的 view类中的 dispatchTouchEvent都不执行了,imageview 平移一下,在 dismiss 以后,imageview 就不能移动了。需要手指抬起来重新触摸去平移 imageview 才能正常响应。