Steps to reproduce: windows 10 download [tracks.gpx.txt](https://github.com/gpx-animator/gpx-animator/files/12137375/tracks.gpx.txt) rename tracks.gpx.txt to tracks.gpx `java -jar "C:\Program Files\gpx-animator\gpx-animator-1.8.2-all.jar" --input "tracks.gpx"` exception is ``` 05:00:24.541 [main] INFO app.gpx_animator.Main - 0% computed zoom is 12...
Crafting guide is needed to let people know what recipes exist in the game.
At version 9b1158a, saving and loading is implemented by java serialisation API. So newly created savegame size is around of 3Mb while the size of /res directory is about 300...
If we are going to implement achievements, then we should discuss why would we want to add them? Think of at least 10 examples of achievements. Will there be repeatable...
At version 5291070, it is very easy to add subroutine, which will populate world with things like trees and water. Just follow those steps: * create class SomethingFiller in package...
At version 419d246, lots of classes contains game data and drawing methods. If we are going to make networking implementation, then game data classes should not contain drawing classes and...
At version 3c582dc class Inventory is responsible for management content of inventory and for drawing its content to screen. In addition, inventory screen has different modes: * player inventory *...
At version 9b1158a, tiles are grouped by break type in java code in file World.java When this property will be moved to TileType, it will be possible to implement method...
If class is abstract, then it is can have multiple childrens. Assuming that singletone should be instantiated only once, then this situation doesn't make sense. In addition AwtSpriteStore has public...
At version 9b1158a, speed modifier of tool type (Axe, Shovel, Pick) is hardcoded in java in file World.java This property should be converted to map with key as "breakType" of...