
Would be great to make the library work with grouped dates as well.
> @igitur I didn't. That's what Excel does by default when it encounters a date field. If you add another row in the sample sheet I attached with a different...
Hello, D! Thanks a lot for the sample! It works on a particular request, but I'll have to figure out a way to keep the Uri verbatim rather than forcefully...
I need to intercept the RequestUri change before (or exactly where) it happens. Can you tell me where to look? 
Found this in HttpVerbCommand.cs. Looks like I need a custom build without those lines for now:) ``` private static Uri ParseUri(string httpMethod, string currentUri, object[] args) { if (args.Length >...
Perhaps an optional parameter would fit a call like .Resource(string, SlashTrimmingOption.NoTrimming)? enum SlashTrimmingOption { - NoTrimming - TrimStart - TrimEnd - TrimAll } At least from the .Resource(...) usage perspective...
Thank you @bsivanov I'm gonna watch this