> reamde里只有VGG19的预训练模型,请问可以给出resnet的预训练模型吗? 抱歉,我无法访问您正在寻找的 ResNet 预训练模型。但是,您可以轻松地在线找到预训练的 ResNet 模型。 预训练模型的一个流行来源是 PyTorch Torchvision 库,它提供了多个预训练模型,包括 ResNet,可以针对特定任务轻松进行微调。您还可以在其他平台上找到预训练的 ResNet 模型,例如 TensorFlow 的 TensorFlow Hub 或 Caffe2 的 Model Zoo。 请务必注意,使用预训练模型可以显着加快训练过程,但您仍需要针对您的特定用例微调模型以获得最佳结果。
> @WuJie1010 Hi Wujie, > > I'm kind of confused with clip_gradient which is this sentence: "clip_gradient(optimizer, 0.1)" I only know the gradient is for regularization, but don't know the...
It depends on the code you're referring to. Raspberry Pi is a versatile single-board computer that runs on a Linux-based operating system, so it is compatible with many programming languages...
The k_fold_number in the code represents the number of folds for performing k-fold cross-validation. The k in k-fold cross-validation refers to the number of folds. In the code parser.add_argument('--fold', default=1,...