Results 14 issues of AIPTU

Added something like events when creating a category or deleting a category and when a player purchases items from that category

feature request

Suggestions to add events like group created or deleted and group edited


Added a feature to be able to rename a group


Please add information about each EconomyS plugin to make it easier to read information related to the plugin EconomyS on README


• Inventories: - Give a pet an inventory by tapping them with a chest. - View a pet's inventory by tapping them with an empty hand. • Movement: - Pets...

Transaction History: Transaction history records the details of financial transactions that occur within the economy system. It provides a chronological record of all the transactions that have taken place, including...

Type: Proposal
Category: Core

Currency Exchange: Currency exchange refers to the process of converting one currency into another based on the prevailing exchange rates. In the context of a game economy, it allows players...

Type: Proposal
Category: Core

Added features to update such as the contents of the kit or the name


Added scoreboard, bossbar, spectator duels features


Does `imageToSkinData` support capes?