Alex Ibrahim Ojea
Alex Ibrahim Ojea
As it can be seen in the screenshot, if no image_angle is provided (argument1 of the function), it will take by default the image_angle of the object calling this function....
As it can be seen on the screenshoot, in a case the instance we want to create polygons from has an angle different than 0 degrees, the polygons will be...
Al revisar el código y los resultados de la web, parece ser que hay algunos casos concretos donde sería conveniente añadir las letras también en mayusculas ya que devuelven distintos...
En la URL para la consulta de la RAE se puede añadir un "/". La URL para consultar algo que empiece por "app" sería por ejemplo: Y funcionaría sin...
p-dropdown: Selected value is changed properly, but colors are not updated in the following example
### Describe the bug Given the following TypeScript code: ``` dropdown_energyEfficiency: IEnergyEfficiency[] = []; dropdown_SelectedEnergyEfficiency: IEnergyEfficiency | null = null; interface IEnergyEfficiency { id: string; energyLetter: string; colorR: number; colorG:...
### Describe the bug I have the following p-calendar: ``` ``` The "data" is declared as a date and from a MSSQL database, it is being assigned a datetime2 value...