K M Ibrahim Khalilullah

Results 29 issues of K M Ibrahim Khalilullah

Thank you very much for your nice repository. I am trying to fill hole in pointcloud using your method: ``` # Fill holes tin.fill_small_boundaries() print('There are {:d} boundaries'.format(tin.boundaries()) ``` can...

@jiafatom @nswamy @buddhapuneeth Thank you very much for your repo. I want to convert keras model of maskrcnn into onnx format. I need custom conversion. Is there any example or...

In my case: Camera.fx: 1138.042594 Camera.fy: 1152.150891 Camera.cx: 314.573090 Camera.cy: 273.959896 unit is pixel. What about the TUM mono dataset?

@sadaszewski Thanks for your nice repo. Would provide a demo file for cpp? >>read data >>call concaveman.cpp >>Display output Thanks for help

I compiled from terminal using the following command: g++ -std=c++11 -shared concaveman.cpp -o libconcaveman.so but when I run the demo.py it produces the following error: OSError: cannot load library 'D:/feasibilityAnalysis2020_3/Dpointcloud3Dvision/RemoveNoiseAndTIN/Code/ConCaveHull/concaveman-cpp-master/concaveman-cpp-master/src/main/cpp/libconcaveman.so':...

@amir-abdi Thanks for your nice repository Is it necessary to use flag! if it not necessary please through out it!! Thanks

I created .pb file using your code. I would like to use the .pb file in opencv-python dnn . How can I use?

help wanted

@bendangnuksung Thanks for your great repository. it helps me lot. Would you suggest me please How can I read input and output node/tensor from frozen inference graph (.pb)? Thanks again

When I run your code (a little modified for config) it gives the following error: > InvalidArgumentError: Cannot assign a device for operation ROI/rpn_non_max_suppression/NonMaxSuppressionV3: Could not satisfy explicit device specification...

Thank you very much for this nice repo. I am also working on normalization. My problem is the reference image. If the content of the reference image is different with...