Ahmed Bekhit
Ahmed Bekhit
@joyjones, Please make sure to add the following line in your AppDelegate file ``` func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return ViewAR.orientation } ```
@joyjones, It will only return portrait when the user is in a `UIViewController` that contains an AR scene. However, if you want to support landscape right you may use the...
@gheatley @seandmccue, I unfortunately don't have access to neither an iPad or iPhone X. Can you share with me screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
@ozgurshn, what's the video format? I've seen similar implementations of this and I recommend pre-processing the video, exporting it on device then rendering it in the AR scene instead of...
@Zulqurnain24 @A-M-j the FPS set in ARVideoKit is "preferred" and the system only reaches that FPS when there's sufficient memory resources. There certainly is a way to improve the FPS...
@DPRuin it appears that the AudioSession queue is beginning before the start session method is executed. Looking into it.
Will investigate the issue and get back to you soon.
@dneprDroid Feel free to submit a pull request with the fixes.
@avierkant, can you please specify what device you're using? It would also be great if you add snippet of the code in order for me to recreate the issue.
@miliPolo, can you please elaborate on when exactly the crash is occurring. -Ahmed