Adin Ermie

Results 13 comments of Adin Ermie

Thanks, @DmitriyLewen, here is the results using that command... Trivy `-f json --list-all-pkgs` command output ```CMD 2022-05-06T12:45:39.8172803Z { 2022-05-06T12:45:39.8173435Z "SchemaVersion": 2, 2022-05-06T12:45:39.8174471Z "ArtifactName": "myapp:20220506-1", 2022-05-06T12:45:39.8174881Z "ArtifactType": "container_image", 2022-05-06T12:45:39.8175173Z "Metadata": {...

Thanks @DmitriyLewen, This was just one example (I didn't want to submit a long list all at once). Recently, our Docker containers that are built using `amazonlinux:2` are throwing many...

Sure, sorry I missed your message @DmitriyLewen. Here's a code snippet of it: ```dockerfile FROM amazonlinux:2 RUN yum install awscli -y \ && yum install -y shadow-utils \ && yum...

Hey @DmitriyLewen, I wanted to follow up on this issue, as I've discovered a few more important/interesting pieces of information. Firstly, there is another tool (Anchore's [Grype]( that seems to...

Hey @DmitriyLewen, thanks for the response. What I'm not clear on is, what is Grype scanning/checking that Trivy is not? Or, might it have to do with which advisories sources...

Hey @DmitriyLewen, Grype actually lists which databases it uses here: There are 10 vulnerability data sources in total. It just feels like Grype is a more complete/robust tool based...

This is exactly what I'm looking for, and what other Terraform scanning tools (ie. TFSec, Checkov, TFLint, TerraScan, etc.) already provide. Is there any ETA when this feature might be...

This is exactly what I'm looking for, and what other Terraform scanning tools (ie. TFSec, Checkov, TFLint, TerraScan, etc.) already provide. Is there any ETA when this feature might be...

I've used the following, to ensure the "Upload Anchore scan SARIF report" step will run regardless if the scan reports vulnerabilities or not. ```YAML if: ${{ success() || failure() }}...

@straubt1 can we please include some example code for the Key Vault. From the example provided, it implies that Terraform is creating the Key Vault vs linking to an existing...