Currently the only way to mount/remount/umount a volume is by changing values in registry and restarting the computer. This is less than ideal and costs a lot of time. I...
I will do this in [merge-master-tray](/WinClassic/SimpleClassicThemeTaskbar/tree/merge-master-tray) (Based on [tray](/WinClassic/SimpleClassicThemeTaskbar/tree/tray)) - [x] Fix text on task view items - [x] Make error messagebox close the loggers stream, open the file in...
- [ ] Allow for animations - [ ] Maybe add an option for timers? - [ ] How would we present this in a config file? - [ ]...
Fully DPI-awareness (PerMonitorV2) Layout at 96dpi, scaled up afterwards After scaling layout changes must be done at full DPI Renderers will draw at full DPI Branch: scaling (based on ad8110ef446b16e6be689db4c7de4a9d05c23216)...
When opening any UWP app a button shows up on the taskbar, but it doesn't have the associated app icon. - [ ] Check if the app is a UWP...