@L-Leite I think this console is perfectly included in the game
> CSOConsole is a debug console for the scaleform UI, it allows you test and profile some UI components with it > you can enable it by editing the P-Code...
it will be good that we will play the old version of the game - - - - #@ 1. please make a launcher or program to convert maps or...
I don't have any concepts probably it was in the game just no one remembers although if I say so the Organner gave me the old interface but it was...
Organner strange that will if maps insert in data and custom that will in old game try potestit and for 1 will make an important chip and will send in...
L-Leite Help me I have an error it requires 1 file so that it can run the game VCRUNTIME140.dll can you help me or tell me how to fix it...
L-Leite Sorry but it didn't help I'd rather manually find the file myself
try the old version of CSO2 (Password OlD) it works or run the game on proton-steam (New Client 2018) but 1 problem is radmin vpn it does not work...