Andrew Grant
Andrew Grant
@ekilmer When do you expect nano bind to release a version with the expected changes for vcpkg compatibility?
Great news. Thanks.
@Hoikas I don't see why this port would need to depend on the Python port. I am using pybind11 to wrap a C++ api via the vcpkg port, I would...
> > I don't see why this port would need to depend on the Python port. I am using pybind11 to wrap a C++ api via the vcpkg port, I...
@tejksat Have you been able to look at this yet?
> We're in the midst of upgrading our SDK subsystem in PyCharm and will be ready to review new PRs once this is complete. Could you please provide a detailed...
> Thank you, got it! Could you maybe talk a bit more about why do you need to customize sdk in the first place? Do you use your own package...
I am not sure if I will be able to share the source code of plugin. I can tell you which extension points it uses though. We are using pyAddSdkProvider...