
Results 25 comments of ADDCreative

The simplest would probably be something like ```php $dom->loadXml($response, LIBXML_NOWARNING | LIBXML_NOERROR); if ($dom !== false) { $cube = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Cube')->item(0); if ($cube !== null) { ... } else { //...

Prepare statements would be an improvement. It's so easy to make a mistake with the escaping and casting in the SQL, that I see a extensions with them missing all...

Still a few security issues that haven't been addressed. CSRF vulnerability on affiliate accounts. A URL's HTTPS is wrongly based on the request. The vulnerable JSON helper has...

@lucasjkr OpenCart doesn't have the issue (if you set configuration correctly), only Copona. The issue is only a problem if the server is using a certificate, so installing a certificate...

Don't think this will work on Windows as realpath will convert / to \ but $filename outside realpath could have / in.

@arnisjuraga Fixes the issue with windows, not this issue about the symlinked paths. You probably need to change them all to your suggestion above

The order ID needs to be editable by guest customers wishing to return items using the link to route=account/return/add in the footer.

@arnisjuraga Just in case you are not aware, it also affects affiliate accounts.

@arnisjuraga Still need to add a CSRF token to affiliate/edit, affiliate/password, affiliate/payment.

I usually have to set the following taxes. To all UK customers - 20% To EU consumer customers - 20% To EU VAT registered business customers - None (using a...