Amanda Charbonneau
Amanda Charbonneau
scp/file transfer got moved out of the cloud because it goes with the flow of 'we're writing code, we're using files, how do we move those files?'; but that workflow...
We should have some discussion of data restrictions, but I'm not sure it belongs in the disadvantage list. Amazon, for instance, has done a lot of work to get some...
I've tried changing where my databases are stored and it doesn't seem to work. I need to have them on a drive *outside* of the where eelpond is installed. I...
excellent. that fixes it :)
Also add some clarification that multiple extras need to be in a single quoted string :)
3. In a similarly large complicated project I've set up a lot of github actions to manage things. The startup to get them running the way you want is larger...
I do not have access to windows
The only paragraph I have done and merged in the HPCC one. Info for XSEDE and AWS is PR I was thinking paragraphs with more in depth info, and...
Answering here for multiple issues: I'm fine with dropping content for now at any placeholders, but I'm teaching now, and until at least 7pm, so I can't do the drops....
Hey @amanda-tan this issue is about adding high-level overviews of the pluses/minuses of each option. So, for instance, why would I choose Azure over AWS. It would be *great* if...