Hi, Sure! I have switched to and this issue occures: ``` Initializing refined index: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 514/514 [01:27
Hi - I have obtained a new file called "convolved.134.hdf5" (related to gizmo_mw) as expecting with your quickstart: as well as (input/output).image files. I still haven't processed it, but...
Hi - beginner questions: - I want to follow the pipeline of Snyder et al. (2015a) in order to generate simulated RGB colors of model galaxy from my snapshot:...
Hi - I have a question about how pd performs simulation with filters. When I ask ``` filterfiles = [ 'arbitrary.filter', ] ``` It takes a really decent time to...
Update: After a week of computation, it ends by crashing with the following issue: ``` [main] exiting raytracing iteration [virgo01:165581] *** An error occurred in MPI_Reduce [virgo01:165581] *** reported by...
Hi - Thank you again for your time. With the "Arbitrary Filter", it takes less than one hour and works well. Computation takes longer when I change (or add) another...
My overall goal first is to produce SED of isolated galaxy using my own snapshots (and possibly compare them with SKIRT's one) and also to produce "realistic" RGB images of...
Hi - In the example of Greg Snyder, he used a file named `'image.1.0.angle'+angle+'.npz'` to use it as R,G or B like ``` r=0.75*1.0e-35*((np.load('image.1.0.angle'+angle+'.npz'))['image']) g=1.0*1.0e-35*((np.load('image.0.5.angle'+angle+'.npz'))['image']) b=2.5*1.0e-35*((np.load('image.0.3.angle'+angle+'.npz'))['image']) ``` However, my simulations...
Thanks for the clarification. Sorry, I still have questions regarding pd and its behaviour: "At a given wavelength" means that a pd simulation was performed at this given wavelength (i.e....
Should I use - cell_info.240_0.npz - grid_physical_properties.240_galaxy0.npz - stellar_seds.240_galaxy0.npz? Because, by showing files, they contains ``` >>> data = np.load('cell_info.240_0.npz') >>> data.files ['refined', 'fc1', 'fw1', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zmin',...