Hao Tang
Hao Tang
Hi~ I execute "make all" successfully but "make pycaffe" failed. Here is the error: find: `matlab/+caffe/private': No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `include/caffe/layers/python_layer.hpp', needed...
Thanks for the reply! I also read the pre-processing steps and other papers before , then I use the FSL software to process the raw data and get the gray...
Thank you very much! I will try again~
Yes! I used the pre-processed data you provided on 2DCNN and 3DCNN , the accuracy is ~80% and ~85% respectively. However, I also want to use the original data for...
@regnerus Yes, but I cannot find the original MR image for each person correspondingly and it seems that the data on website has not allowed to download. Anyway thank you...