Ashley Burns

Results 7 comments of Ashley Burns

After a quick thought, having global difficulties from 1 to 5, then each of these would have a string equivalent in the strings.yml. Example could be "/pa setdifficulty (course) 2"...

Not entirely sure of how to recreate this. Is the player survival when they join a course? I've done a minor change to disallow flying when you join a course,...

There are 3 ways this can possibly be achieved. 1. We add a configuration to ignore all Parkour sign validation in the onSignCreate method in SignListener, this would be dangerous...

Unfortunately given the way the plugin is made, with performance in mind, this isn't possible without having to change quite a lot. However I will experiment to see how nicely...

With the invention of ParkourModes, this can be created as a new type of Mode, with a configurable Material defined (perhaps per-course). Unsure what to call the new Mode.

Given the nature of the plugin, most things shouldn't be locked down. There are many things you can implement to limit what a user can do, for example move Parkour...

Not entirely sure of what you purpose the change should be, setting the permissions in the config.yml? Isn't that the whole point of a permissions plugin to manage what permissions...