Results 10 issues of A4EVA

Dear, how is it possible to determinate the schematic of the circuit you use to activate the "LOAD" ? is not wrote anywhere what GPIO pin/trace you used to control...

### Verification - [X] I searched for similar bug reports and found none was relevant. ### What happened? Docker container do not build the firmware under Windows 10 ### What...


### Verification - [X] I searched for similar bug reports and found none was relevant. ### What happened? pinetime-graphics has disappered from the build options ### What should happen instead?...


Hello everyone I really like to use mmdvm on windows and today I tried to compile the P25 Clients solution, unfortunately I have this errors when I try to build...

Hello Everyone. I'm trying to build the project but It fails and I do not know why. I'm using the master branch and I downloaded the xtensa-lx106-elf-20160330.tgx and esp_iot_sdk_v2.1.0.tgx as...

Salve, sto riscontrando difficoltà nel compilare CIEPKI, premetto che la versione di Visual Studio utilizzata è la 2019 enon la 2017 e la versione dell' SDK di Windows è la...

help wanted

Hi, i have an issue, the gateway works perfectly fine but i have a small problem, i have the gpio15 pulled down to ground with a 10k resistor, but if...

Hello, can you add the support to bake into the image support for ESP8089 wifi card ? Did you know how i can compile the driver for that module ?

Hello, I've setup another machine to build the mmdvm suite, openwrt build just fine but if I use this repo to build the mmdvm suite I have this error about...

Hi, I tried to build the code from the main branch and it did without any problem but, if I select the branch for the OLED support the build process...