A.M. Janjan

Results 10 comments of A.M. Janjan

I recommend you to see [this repository](https://github.com/tuhdo/os01); it may be helpful for you.

It didn't work for 3 devices; Are there any logs or things that can show me what happened backstage?

Yeah, but the main solution is changing the stream mode from RTSP to WebRTC. Thanks to all.

No, I didn't use Bluetooth. I just used the main application and the following sections: ![openbot_err1](https://github.com/isl-org/OpenBot/assets/62621376/83357932-faa7-4811-a4ea-3abdb23cd104)

I did the firmware testing with an Arduino serial monitor, and at first, I sent, for example, c100,100 and then the motors started running. but after I sent c0,0 and...

After I sent a command via a serial monitor (e.g., c50,0), the motors moved correctly, but the serial connection disconnected, and I couldn't send a new command.

The main problem arises when I enable #define HAS_OLED 1 in the DIY body firmware. Consequently, other commands fail to send correctly. However, after disabling the OLED, everything is fixed.