Chage the lines in this way works for me in keras 2.3: `self.learning_rate = self.optimizer.lr` `self.optimizer.learning_rate = K.switch(self.cond, self.optimizer.lr, 0.)`
For plain/text, try replace /r/n with ES6/Babel [backticks](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/805107/creating-multiline-strings-in-javascript).i.e. ` text.replace(/(\r\n)/g, ` `); ` For html, the solution is to create [](https://jsfiddle.net/andmetoo/p02ump42/6/).
Thank you. The challenging aspect lies in the initial appearance being restricted to a single line, akin to an `` field, and transitioning to a dynamically.
Realized I can use `rows` to set the initial appearance of to single line.