I run SharpHound.exe with the option -c All from metasploit meterpreter on Windows 2003 server and the following error occurs. Can Anyone help solving this issue. Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method...
Update : apparently the issue is with loading the Command Execute Module because the redis command "MODULE" is not being recognized ###########################################"" I'm trying to use the script to exploit...
hey i have an URL i wanted to test. when i access the url using the browser a pop up shows that i have to provide credentials, this authentication use...
This file contain 251 new libraries metadata from Jcenter Repo to be used with the libraries scraper
hi i just installed a new drozer module but can't find it using list. i wonder if the modules repository affect the availability of the modules? module name : metallOid.root.scanner_check
Hi, thanks for this awsome tool. I notice that several modules support only ARMEABI architecture, which makes it limited since this architecture is less used comapring to other ones (Google...
I'm trying to run the Tool against PowerUp.ps1 script but I'm getting : **Check Real Time protection is enabled** as an output and I don't know what does it mean....
hi, i am running adus on kali linux 2016 with python 2.7.12 and java 1.8. when i use -d option it shows the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:...
Hey, thanks for the tool. But till now i can't use it because of the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): 2: from ./dnssnoopdogg.rb:16:in `' 1: from /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:59:in `require'...