If you don't want to retrain a model and only want to detect one class or several classes. Maybe you can try this method #204 .
I also want to know if there are some methods to detect only one class or several classes? #158 says that we should to retrain a model, but I think...
I found a way to solve this question. In the YoloObjectDetector.cpp, I found this function `draw_detections(display, dets, nboxes, demoThresh_, demoNames_, demoAlphabet_, demoClasses_);` This function is used to draw BB and...
Sorry, cause video may have differt FPS. I hope it not confuse you, and you can use multi process to accelerate the process speed.
Hi, could you tell me which file you changed? I have the same question.
Hello, @BrunoGeorgevich Could you show your initialize code, I use this model and it will increase memory continously.
Hi @BrunoGeorgevich Thank you, Your code has inspired me and I found my problem. I save the everything_results in a dictionary which kept increasing the GPU memory. I have placed...